
Apr 14, 2021 开始搭建之前要明确需要支持什么能力,再逐个考虑要如何实现。本项目搭建时计划需要支持以下功能: 支持组件测试/demo 支持不同的引入方式: 全部引入 / 按需加载 支持主题定制 支持文档展示 组件测. Copyless for Microsoft Edge. DigiID/AntumID Easy Extension Advanced. Free it's my data. Free Lyrics Sense for Microsoft Edge. MailCheck. Copyless Rust abstractions can be zero cost in theory, but often reveal quite a few unnecessary memcpy calls in practice. This library provides a number of trait extensions for standard containers that expose API that is more friendly to LLVM optimization passes and doesn't end up with as many copies. It aims to accelerate WebRender and gfx-rs. Copy.less is written in Sass and uses @extend to prevent all your elements or specific elements from being copied. See the Demo on CodePen! 推荐指数:★★★☆; 相关地址: CopyLess; Paste – Clipboard history manager; 剪贴板历史记录,适用于频繁复制粘贴。有了它可以生活的更好: 复制多个项目,然后再一个一个粘贴,不用在应用间来回切换复制粘贴;.

A great new clipboard extension.

Extend your clipboard with the all-new CopyLess 2 - a clipboard manager for Mac. Completely overhauled, redesigned from the bottom-up and reimplemented in Swift - for performance, stability and comfort.
Everything you copy or cut inside other applications is instantly captured and saved by CopyLess 2 for later use. The history is huge - CopyLess can store up to 1000 recent clippings. Saved clippings can be previewed and easily reused - an ideal help for text and image editing, programming, customer support, frequently used command-line tool snippets, etc.
Extend your clipboard up to 1000 recent items and unlimited favorites.
Mark frequently used clippings as favorites to keep them around.
Sync favorite clippings to your iCloud account.
Copyless paste
Search clippings by application name, content or title.
Set your preferred background color, text color, font size, row height, transparency.
Access most frequently used features with just a shortcut.
Text and image editing, programming, customer support, network administrator - we all constantly copying and pasting things around. Sometimes we have to search for command-line tool arguments on the internet and do it again and again - they are just too complicated to remember. So why not let CopyLess remember it for us?
Direct Paste is a synonym for copy this element to the system clipboard and immediately paste it. Essentially, it is copy & paste combined into one action.
For example, you can double-click an element in CopyLess to paste it directly into last active application. You can even define shortcuts for 10 recent and 10 top favorite elements to paste them directly without even opening CopyLess window.
Unfortunately, due to AppStore limitations, the Direct Paste feature must have been removed from CopyLess 2. Fortunately, there is a way to reenable this feature - with a CopyLess Helper plugin. Its free and easy to install - just download it and toggle the switch.
' So it’s only the cat in our household who isn’t using it. '

Try the app now.

CopyLess 2 is available for free on the Mac App Store. Some advanced features, like iCloud Sync or unlimited number of favorites, are not available in the free version and can be purchased directly inside application.

Copyless Rust

Helper extensions of standard containers that allow memcopy-less operation.



A typesafe helper that stores the allocated pointer without the data initialized.


A typesafe helper that separates new value construction fromvector growing, allowing LLVM to ideally construct the element in place.

Copyless Paste



An entry into a vector, similar to std::collections::hash_map::Entry.

Copyless 2 Windows


Copyless Licence


Helper trait for a Box type that allocates up-front.


Helper trait for a Vec type that allocates up-front.